How to add rive animations to webflow pages

How to add rive animations to webflow pages

You are a web designer and you always want to add something new your site so that the user may be attracted more on the website.

Rive is a fantastic animation platform that can be used to bring any type of animations and interaction. The question is, - How can you use this or integrate these animations into your Webflow pages?

How to start

The most straightforward way to include Rive animations on your Webflow pages. Using the iframe embed way, you will be able to simply place an iframe code on your Webflow design and have it display your Rive animation.

To start, make an animation in Rive and establish any animations through state machine.

Iframe Embed Code

After you are satisfied with your animation, click on the generate a share link and copy an iframe embed code.

Paste it into an Embed element in Webflow

Copy the iframe code and paste it into an Embed element in Webflow. Last but not least, place the animation into your webflow design and enjoy it!

Rive Tariffs: What You Need to Know

You will require the Pro version of Rive to embed animations in your Webflow pages. Expect the following tariffs:

In conclusion

In conclusion, this is a great way to take your websites built in Webflow the next level using Rive animations. Using either the simple iframe embed you can design beautiful animations and interactions that are impactful for your users to use in bringing life to your designs. So why not give it a try? The impossible is now possible with Rive and Webflow

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